Since this blog is called “On Becoming,” let me share how my music is becoming what I’ve dreamed in the area of spontaneous improvisation. It has to do with an approach to worship realized by the reunion with a dear friend and artist, David Jones, who I knew before computers!
A little backstory: for years, people have asked me to make a CD of spontaneous improvisation like I’ve played in many services and at KC-IHOP (House of Prayer). Except for our memories, all of that sound went up into the atmosphere and dissipated, never to be recorded. That was fine with me, but others seemed to want it for their home quiet time.
Birth of The POOL vision
During this time of my improvisational and compositional development, I became troubled by neglected Christian artists (music, art, dance, etc.) and began to encourage them to revisit their artistic discipline and pool ideas together. The aim was to give artistic collaborations to people who need help, healing, and encouragement. (That’s why THE POOL, my non-profit, was born.) Similarly, David and his amazing artist wife, Marilyn Propp-Jones, had moved to Chicago and were giving the same type of support for young print-makers and artists.
The search
Let's fast forward
40 years later: David and Marilyn have built successful careers in Chicago and have recently moved to Wisconsin to impact the print-making community there as well as continue their own art.